What time can you buy alcohol in scotland


The laws in Scotland on alcohol sales are different to those in the rest of the UK. The sensible drinking website advises that you can buy alcohol from shops, supermarkets and off-licences any time of day or night.

Living in Scotland can be an interesting experience. The culture is different, the accents are difficult to understand, and the people seem like they’re from another planet at times.

One thing that’s not hard to get used to though is how differently alcohol is regulated here compared with most of Europe.

You can buy alcohol in most shops and supermarkets. You need to be at least 18 years old to do this, though there are some exceptions. It is usually sold from around 9am until 11pm or midnight.

What time can you buy alcohol in supermarkets in Scotland?

Alcohol is a hotly debated topic in Scotland. One of the most heated debates revolves around when supermarkets are allowed to sell alcohol. In 2014, the Scottish government decided to change their laws and allow supermarkets to be open for longer hours on Sundays.

However, this led to an increase in heavy drinking among young people and caused more accidents than ever before.
Many citizens were outraged by these findings and demanded that the government revert back to their old laws which only allowed supermarket sales until 2pm on Sundays.

The decision was met with mixed reviews, but many believe that it will help prevent drunk driving incidents from happening while others say it’s too harsh on supermarkets who want more time for profit purposes.

“The law in Scotland states that alcohol cannot be sold between 10pm and 6am, while supermarkets can only sell alcohol from 9am to 11pm. This means that the earliest you can buy alcohol in a supermarket is at 09:00 on Monday morning.”

Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries that I have ever seen. The country’s landscape is breathtaking, and the food absolutely delicious. But what about alcohol?

The sale of drink in Scotland differs from other parts of the United Kingdom because you can only buy wine or spirits between 10am-10pm Monday to Saturday, and 11am-12pm on Sundays. As for beer, it has a slightly different time frame: 12pm-10pm Monday to Thursday; 12 pm-11 pm Friday; 12 pm – 10 pm on Saturdays; and closed all day Sunday (except at airports).

Can you drink alcohol outside in Scotland?

One of the first things you might notice when visiting Scotland is that there are no large, omnipresent billboards advertising alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic drinks can be found in most stores and restaurants, but they’re not as prominent as in other countries. The drinking culture here is different from what many people are used to back home–and it’s legal to drink outside.

Scotland is a beautiful country with many great tourist attractions, so it’s no surprise that people from all over the world visit. One thing you may not know about Scotland is what constitutes legal drinking age in this part of the world.

The answer to this question is yes, you can drink alcohol outside in Scotland. After all, it’s the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world and a major part of Scottish culture. But there are some caveats you should be aware of before heading out for your next pint on a patio or beachside bar.

Can pubs sell takeaway?

Takeaway pubs have been a popular trend for the past decade. Earlier this year, we saw one open in my neighborhood of Fitzroy. I was excited to try it out until I found out that takeaway food wasn’t allowed on the premises.

When you think about it, there are only so many hours in a day when people can eat at home and not have to worry about cooking or cleaning up afterwards – but if they don’t work those hours then where do they go?

Pubs are full of hungry patrons looking for sustenance after their shift – and why not offer them something healthy like soup or salad from your kitchen? You could even serve take-away coffees with disposable cups as a service to customers.

In the United Kingdom, pubs that offer food can sell takeaway food. The Food Standards Agency has confirmed that it is not illegal for takeaways to sell alcohol and takeout at the same time.

The Department of Health recommends that there should be a minimum distance of 100 meters from pubs selling takeaway food to schools, but this regulation does not apply in Scotland where no such rule exists.

Are pubs allowed to deliver alcohol?

The law is unclear on whether pubs in the United Kingdom are allowed to deliver alcohol.
The Licensing Act 2003 does not explicitly prohibit pubs from delivering alcohol, but it forbids licensees of premises that sell alcoholic products for consumption off the premises from being involved in any business other than the sale of those products.

Pubs may be able to get around this restriction by offering a delivery service through an external company, but they would still need to abide by all other rules laid out in their license agreement.

The UK government has started to question whether pubs are allowed to deliver alcohol. The new proposal comes from the Home Office and is being considered with regards to Britain’s high rate of alcohol-related deaths, which claims an average of 8 lives every day.

What time can you buy alcohol in supermarkets?

Some people might not know that you can buy alcohol in supermarkets and other stores during certain times. For example, a store might allow customers to purchase beer from 3-7 pm on Sundays or the hours may vary depending on your state’s restriction.

It is important to know the time at which you can buy alcohol in supermarkets. Many people are surprised when they find out that there is a legal age for purchasing alcohol and it might not be the same as their own.


Alcohol can only be sold in Scotland from 10 am to 5 pm on Sundays, with the exception of Christmas Day. The sale and supply of alcohol is prohibited at any time on Christmas day under section 136(1) (a) of the Licensing Act 2003 or December 25th under Section 1 (2)(b). This means that no licence holder may sell alcohol for consumption off the premises between these times. However, you are allowed to buy a drink if it was purchased before 9am as long as they have not opened up their premises after this point.

About Thomas Beaver

Thomas Beaver is a professional Blogger, Content Writer and SEO Wizard. He's been blogging for over 12 years and has written over 600 articles on his personal blog alone. Thomas is also an avid reader of books about the history of writing as well as non-fiction works on leadership, productivity, marketing and entrepreneurship.

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