Category: Health & Fitness

Which Statement About The Gas Exchange System In Fish Is Correct?

Which Statement About The Gas Exchange System In Fish Is Correct?

Like the human respiratory system, the gas exchange system in fish is composed of a series of organs that transport oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The gas exchange organs are located on both sides of the fish’s body and they function by extracting oxyg...

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How Common is a False Positive HPV Test

How Common is a False Positive HPV Test

Contents1 Introduction:2 Can a positive HPV test be wrong?3 Should I be worried if I have HPV?4 Do you know what HPV is?5 What happens if HPV positive?6 Has anyone had a false positive HPV test?7 What are the chances of a false positive HPV test?8 Conclus...

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How Long Does Tylenol Stay In Your System

How Long Does Tylenol Stay In Your System

There are many reasons why you might want to know how long Tylenol stays in your system. You could be pregnant and wondering if it is safe to take, or maybe you have a headache and need relief but don’t want to risk taking too much medication. There are s...

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How Many Laps Around a Track is a Mile

How Many Laps Around a Track is a Mile

A mile is a measure of distance that equals about 1,609 meters or 1609.34 yards. To convert miles to kilometers, divide the number of miles by 0.621 and multiply the result by 1,000; this will give you the approximate number of kilometers for one mile. Ev...

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How Long Does Lorazepam Stay in Your System

How Long Does Lorazepam Stay in Your System

Lorazepam is a psychoactive drug used to treat anxiety, insomnia and seizures. It is also sometimes used as an anxiolytic or sedative before surgery. Unlike benzodiazepines such as Valium, lorazepam does not have a rapid onset of effects but can take up t...

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Which Areas Of The Heart Are Innervated By Parasympathetic Nerve Fibers?

Which Areas Of The Heart Are Innervated By Parasympathetic Nerve Fibers?

The heart is a unique organ that has two types of nerve fibers, sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic fibers activate the fight-or-flight response in humans when we are faced with danger or stressors. This is necessary for survival but can have...

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How Can You Get Trichomoniasis If No One Cheats

How Can You Get Trichomoniasis If No One Cheats

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that’s caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. It is one of the most common STDs in the United States, with about 3 million cases each year. Most people who have trichomoniasis don’t know it because t...

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When Homologous Chromosomes Exchange Genes It Is Called

When Homologous Chromosomes Exchange Genes It Is Called

I have a question for you. Have you ever wondered why some of your traits are so similar to your parents, but others are not? You might be surprised to know that the answer is in your DNA. When homologous chromosomes exchange genes it is called crossing o...

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How to Remove MSM from Ice With Water

How to Remove Msm from Ice With Water

Many people have been concerned about the safety of drinking water that has Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in it. MSM is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found in many foods, plants and animals. The major concern with MSM is that some studies sh...

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How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift Hentai

How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift Hentai

Dumbbells are a weight training equipment that is designed to be held in both hands. They can range from 1 lb. to 150 lbs. and beyond! The average dumbbell is around 10lbs. You know how it is, you’re at the gym and you see a guy that looks like he could l...

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