How to connect xbox 360 controller to pc without receiver

You might be thinking “I don’t need to know this, I just use my Xbox 360 Controller for Windows” but what if you want to play games on your PC that aren’t compatible with the Xbox controller? The solution is a little-known feature in Windows 7 and 8 called SixAxis Compatibility Mode.

To connect your Xbox 360 controller to a PC without using an official receiver, you’ll have to install the latest drivers for Windows. To do this simply download and run Microsoft’s “Xbox 360 Controller for Windows” application from their website.

How do I connect my Xbox 360 controller to my PC via Bluetooth?

There are many reasons why you may want to connect your Xbox 360 controller with your PC. For example, maybe you just purchased a new game for your console and don’t have the time or energy to get off the couch to play it on the TV. Or maybe someone is coming over and wants to play a quick round of Halo 4 before dinner. Whatever the reason, connecting an Xbox 360 controller to Windows 7 or 8 PC via Bluetooth is very easy!

1. Connect your Xbox 360 controller to the PC via USB cable
2. Turn on Bluetooth on your computer and pair it with the controller
3. Download a program called Xpadder that will allow you to use your Xbox 360 controller as if it were an actual mouse and keyboard
4. Once everything is set up, open up Windows Media Player or any other media player of your choice and enjoy!
5. If you want to disconnect, simply turn off Bluetooth on the computer or unplug the USB cord from both devices

The Xbox 360 controller can be connected to a PC by using the Windows 7 and above built-in Bluetooth drivers. In order for this to work, you will need both your computer and controller running on Windows 7 or higher.

Can I connect Xbox 360 controller to PC Wireless?

I’m sure we’ve all had that moment in our life where we wanted to play a game on the PC but didn’t have access to a controller. You could always buy one, but what if you don’t have any money? Well, this article is here to help!

I’m sorry, there is no such thing as connecting Xbox 360 controller to PC Wireless. However, you can use a USB cable and play the games on your computer.

How do I connect my Xbox 360 controller to my Android without a receiver?

Finding a wireless Xbox 360 controller to use with your Android device can be difficult. The most common solution is to buy an expensive receiver but this may not always work as planned. If you already have an Xbox 360 controller, you don’t need a new one just for your Android device! Follow the instructions below and soon enough, you’ll be playing games on your phone like it’s nobody’s business.

1. Download the app “Joystick Mapper” from the Google Play store
2. Connect your Xbox 360 controller to your Android device using a USB cable
3. Open Joystick Mapper and select “Xbox 360 Controller for Windows” as the input type
4. Click on “Connect” in Joystick Mapper, then click on “Start mapping!”
5. Select all of the buttons you want to map to different functions by clicking on them one at a time and pressing whatever button you want it mapped to (e.g., if you wanted X mapped to A, press X)
6. Once all of your buttons are mapped, click on “Save configuration!” and exit out of Joystick Mapper

You can connect your Xbox 360 controller to an Android device by connecting it to a PC first. Set up the controller with a PC, and then connect the cable from the receiver to your phone or tablet.

Why won’t my Xbox controller connect to my PC via Bluetooth?

Do you have a Xbox controller, but want to use it on your PC? Well, the first step is to make sure that the controller is compatible with your PC. If this is not the case, then you may need to buy an adapter or new controllers for both platforms. The next issue might be pairing and connecting them together. Bluetooth connections can be tricky, so here are some tips on how to get your controller connected without any problems!

You might have to pair your controller manually. Make sure it’s on and labeled with the same name you gave it while setting up the console.

Why can’t my controller connect to my PC?

Have you ever attempted to play a game on your Xbox One and found that the controller is not connecting to your PC? This can be frustrating for any gamer, but it’s important to understand why this might happen.

There are a few reasons for this, but one of the biggest culprits is that you don’t have the latest drivers. You can easily update either through Windows or the manufacturer’s website.

Why does my controller keep disconnecting PC?

Wireless controllers are a great way to enjoy the convenience of playing video games from your couch. However, they can be frustrating when you keep disconnecting from your PC. For those experiencing this problem, there are many things that could be causing it and here I will list some tips to help prevent future disconnects.

It could be that your controller is laggy. Try deleting the connection and then reconnect from scratch. If you still have problems, try using a wired controller instead of wireless.

How do you fix a computer that keeps disconnecting the controller?

In this blog post, I will be discussing the steps to take when your computer disconnects the controller. There are several reasons why your PC may do this. It might be that there is a loose connection or it could be that you have outdated drivers for your controller. Whatever the case may be, I will cover all of them in detail and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to fix these problems.

1. Check the controller’s battery to make sure it is charged
2. Make sure that the controller is not too far away from the console and that there are no obstructions blocking its signal
3. Try turning off your console, unplugging it for a few minutes, and then plugging it back in
4. If none of these solutions work, try resetting your router or modem by unplugging them for a few minutes and then plugging them back in
5. Reset your Xbox One by holding down on the power button until you hear two beeps – one when you press it and another after about 10 seconds have passed

You need to replace the controller. There might be something wrong with it, or maybe there’s a loose connection, which can be easily fixed by moving the wire around.


It’s possible to connect an Xbox 360 controller to a Windows computer without the use of a receiver. This post will walk you through how to do it! Stay tuned for more hot tips about connecting your favorite controllers and gaming consoles with your PC or Mac. The possibilities are endless, so stay tuned for new posts on this channel; every week we bring you fresh content that is designed exclusively by gamers, just like you! Subscribe now and never miss out on anything cool again.

About Benard David

I am Benard David. I am the co-founder of this blog, and the article writer. I have been writing for years, and my favorite things to write about are sports, tech, health and fitness, how-to's, reviews and articles on personal development.

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