How to change a washer on an old fashioned tap

Old fashioned taps are the most difficult to work with when it comes to replacing washers, but there’s a way to do it. You’ll need a bucket of soapy water and one flat head screwdriver. Begin by removing the screws that cover the tap handle that you want replaced. Put your hands on either side of the old washer and pull up while twisting until it pops off. Take out your new washer, put some soap on it, and place it in between both holes where the old washer used to be.

To change a washer on an old fashioned tap, first you turn the tap off. Then you unscrew the cap. After that, take out the washers and replace them with new ones.

How do you fix an old dripping tap?

It’s a question which has perplexed many before you. You know the situation, it’s late at night and you’re trying to get some sleep but there is that annoying dripping sound coming from somewhere in your house. Your first instinct may be to try and fix the tap immediately, but maybe this is not practical as it’s too late or too early for you to do anything about it (or perhaps you are just looking for an excuse). In any case, what can we learn from these situations?

First, you need to identify the type of tap. If it’s a ballcock, turn off the water supply and drain out the excess water from it. Then check that its seal is not worn out or damaged. If this doesn’t work,

How do you remove a tap head?

A common question people have is, “How do you remove a tap head?” A tap head is the round metal nut that screws onto the end of your water faucet. It attaches to a pipe where water comes out. The tap head can be removed and replaced with different types of heads such as sprayers or aerators. This blog post will walk you through how to remove your existing tap head and replace it with a new one.

A tap head can be tricky to get off. You need to remove the aerator first and then use an adjustable wrench around the nut in order to loosen it.

Use a wrench to loosen the nut underneath first, and then use your hands or a pair of pliers to remove it.

Why does my tap still drips after changing the washer?

If you have a leaky faucet or dripping tap that just won’t stop, it could be that the washer is worn out. The most common reason for this is when people turn off their water and then forget to tighten the screw at the base of the handle. This will cause a slow drip because the force of turning off the water loosened up some screws and now they are no longer tight! You can fix this by simply tightening them back into place with your fingers, but if you don’t know how to do this yourself, give a call to your local plumber!

Well, you’ve probably got a few choices here. If the washer is loose on the tap, you’ll want to tighten it. Or maybe your pipe underneath has gotten some water in it which needs to be drained.

Why is my mixer tap dripping?

A mixer tap is a faucet that has a handle on the side to control the water flow. When you turn it off, sometimes there may be dripping or leakages coming from the spout. This type of leak can be caused by any number of things such as bad seals in your pipes, loose valves or defective parts in your tap. If this happens, don’t panic! There are some quick fixes for most common issues with mixer taps and they’re all outlined below.

The reason why your mixer tap is dripping is because the gasket is worn out. It’s a small part that needs to be replaced so it works properly.

How do I stop my bath mixer tap from dripping?

If you’ve ever had a bath in the middle of winter and your tap starts to drip, it can be frustrating. You may have tried tightening the tap or changing its position but still find yourself with water dripping directly into your tub. This is not an easy fix, as many people are unaware that there is a simple solution for this common problem! The first thing to do is turn off the water completely at the stopcock under your sink. Once done, unscrew and remove the handle on top of your tap. Now take out any washers inside before inserting one new ‘O’ ring washer onto each screw thread (you will need 4).

1. Check the bath mixer tap’s rubber washer for any cracks or splits
2. Replace the tap if it has an old style screw connection to a new compression type
3. If your bath mixer tap is dripping, try turning off the water supply and then turn on again in short bursts
4. Turn off the water supply and then remove all of the spouts from your bath before checking to see which one is leaking
5. If you can’t find out where the leak is coming from, call a plumber as soon as possible because this issue could be caused by something more serious than just a simple drip!
6. Be careful not to use too much force when tightening up any loose connections – this could cause them to break instead of tighten!

You should replace the rubber washers to make sure it doesn’t leak. I recommend that you hire a plumber for this or take it to an auto shop because replacing them requires specialized tools and experience.


If you have an old-fashioned tap, chances are that the washer has worn out and needs to be replaced. This is a quick process of unscrewing two screws on either side of the spindle then removing it from its housing. The new washer can now be inserted by screwing in place with these same screws, which will tighten around it when screwed back into position onto the spindle. Now you should test your taps for leaks before turning them off or leaving the house!

About Benard David

I am Benard David. I am the co-founder of this blog, and the article writer. I have been writing for years, and my favorite things to write about are sports, tech, health and fitness, how-to's, reviews and articles on personal development.

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