How Old Was King David When He Died

David was born in the 10th Century BC and died at the age of 70. In his lifetime, he conquered Israel from a small city-state to a powerful empire. He established Jerusalem as its capital and oversaw the construction of an impressive palace there for himself, his son Solomon, and future kings of Judah. His legacy is one that will be remembered forever – through songs, stories, biblical passages or just history books.

King David was a legendary figure in the Old Testament. He died when he was 70 years of age, and his son Solomon took over as king.

How tall was David from the Bible?

How tall was David from the Bible?
How tall was David from the Bible?

A question that has been debated for years is how tall was David from the Bible? We know he was a giant among men, but what exactly does that mean in terms of height? The Bible never says. But we can get an idea by looking at the size of someone else. Goliath’s height is given as 6 cubits and a span, which would be about 9 ft 2in (2.8 m). If you take into account that it was likely much easier to measure smaller units like inches or feet back then, this would put David at around 11 ft (3.4 m) tall!

  1. David was born in Bethlehem, the son of Jesse and his wife Ruth
  2. He became king of Israel at age 30
  3. David is described as a “man after God’s own heart” because he loved God and followed His commandments
  4. The Bible says that when King Saul saw how much taller than him David was, he tried to kill him by throwing a spear at him
  5.  When King Saul died, David became king over all Israel and Judah

David was tall. He is described in the Bible as having had six fingers on each hand and a toe that stuck out from his right foot, which was also “large”.

How many years did it take for David to become king?

David, a shepherd boy who was just anointed King of Israel by Samuel, had to wait seven years before he could take the throne. David’s father Jesse had many sons and it was believed that one of his brothers would be the next king. However, God tells Samuel that he must go out and find david because “there is none like him in all Israel”. When they meet for the first time, David goes from tending sheep to being crowned king with barely any hesitation on his part.

It took many years for David to become king. When he was a young man, the Lord had already chosen him to be king. But it wasn’t until later on in life that he was finally crowned.

Who killed David in the Bible?

David was an extraordinary human being. He was a warrior, a poet, and he loved the Lord. When David died, his son Solomon became king and continued to lead God’s people in peace after him. But who killed David? It is not known for sure how he died or what happened at the end of his life.

David was the son of Jesse, who became king after Saul. David was a musical genius and also fought in several battles as well. King David is one of the most important people in the Bible.

How many wives King David had?

How many wives King David had?
How many wives King David had?

Many people know the Bible as a book of stories that tell about God and his relationship to humans. But did you know that the Bible is also a history book? In it, we are shown how God’s story plays out in our world. For example, in the Old Testament there are many tales of King David who ruled over Israel for 40 years and had six wives…

  1. King David was the second king of Israel, and his reign lasted from 1010-970 BC
  2. He had at least 8 wives, but it is not clear how many he actually had
  3. One wife was Abigail, who helped him when he fought against her father’s army
  4.  The other 7 are unknown, as their names are not mentioned in the Bible or anywhere else for that matter
  5.  It is possible that they were concubines instead of wives because they weren’t treated with the same respect as David’s first wife Bathsheba
  6. Some scholars believe that these women may have been captured during battles and then given to David as spoils of war by their captors

King David had at least 10 wives. One of his wives was the beautiful Bathsheba, who he committed adultery with.

Which son of David did Jesus descend from?

The Bible is full of stories and genealogies. One story that many people know the story of, even if they don’t know it by name, is the Christmas Story. It tells a miraculous tale about how God came to earth as a man named Jesus Christ. But one question that always comes up when reading this story is who was Jesus’ father? The answer may surprise you!

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the four books in the New Testament that describe Jesus’ life.

How many children did Mary have after Jesus?

Mary was very close to her cousin Elizabeth. Their families were so close that for years, the two cousins had no idea they were actually related until they met one day and found out their mothers were sisters. After this discovery, the two women became even closer than before because of their shared heritage and faith in God.

Mary had several children after Jesus, including a set of twins named James and John.


To conclude, King David was an old man by the time he died. He lived for about 70 years and had a long life with many accomplishments that we can all learn from today. His story is interesting to study because it shows how people who are successful come in different shapes and sizes. It also teaches us some great lessons on what it takes to stand out as someone special in this world of mediocrity! So if you want to be like David-don’t give up when things get hard or boring; don’t think too much about what other people might say; just go do your thing and try not to let anyone else’s opinions matter more than your own. I hope these words have been helpful for you.

About Benard David

I am Benard David. I am the co-founder of this blog, and the article writer. I have been writing for years, and my favorite things to write about are sports, tech, health and fitness, how-to's, reviews and articles on personal development.

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