Primary Motives For European Exploration Of The Americas

The European exploration of the Americas is one of the most significant events in world history. The Europeans were ultimately able to explore and colonize America because they had a strong desire for gold, spices, silk, and other trade goods.

Due to their deep motivation for trade goods, the Europeans were able to partake in multiple expeditions that would eventually lead them across the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail on what he thought was an expedition to Asia. What he found instead were the Americas and a new continent full of indigenous people to exploit for his own gain.

What would compel European explorers to explore so far across oceans in search of riches? The answer is both simple and complicated greed.

The primary motives for European exploration of the Americas were to spread Christianity, find new trade routes and to satisfy intellectual curiosity.

What were the 2 main reasons for European exploration?

What were the 2 main reasons for European exploration?
What were the 2 main reasons for European exploration?

There are many reasons why European explorers set out to explore the world. Some of these include: a need for resources, religious conversion, and exploration for curiosity sake.

But what were the main reasons that drove Europeans to explore?
One reason is that there was a shortage in natural resources such as gold, silver, copper and tin. T

hese items were used mostly for decorative purposes or currency at the time. The other main reason was because Europeans wanted to convert people who practiced religions different than Christianity (e.g., Islam).

There are many reasons for European exploration. Some of the most popular reasons being to find new trade routes, to seek out fame and fortune, or just curiosity about what was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Whatever their motivations were, these explorers put themselves in a lot of danger for us all to enjoy today.

European explorers were looking for new trade routes and to spread Christianity.

Why did Europe want to colonize America?

Why did Europe want to colonize America?
Why did Europe want to colonize America?

The European countries have had a long history with the Americas. They were first contacted by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and then colonized shortly after that.

Colonization was important to the Europeans because they wanted access to resources such as food, gold, silver and other precious items like cotton and tobacco.

Why did Europe want to colonize America? There are many reasons why Europeans wanted to come and take over the land of Native Americans. One factor that may have influenced this motivation is the vast amounts of resources found in North America.

These natural resources included lumber, minerals, and furs. The European nations who were interested in colonization also had a goal of spreading their religion by converting native Indians into Christians.

Some might say that these two factors alone would not be enough to justify such an expedition for exploration; however, there was also a need for new trade routes as well as new territory for expansion purposes which motivated them even.

In the early 1500s, Europeans were looking for riches and a new place to live. They wanted to explore the New World. In order to do so they needed an excuse that would make it seem like their intentions were good.

King Ferdinand of Spain had been reading about how much gold there was in America and decided he wanted some too.

He sent Christopher Columbus on his first voyage with three ships and plans to find a way to get all this valuable gold back home.

To gain access to the wealth of natural resources.

Where would we be without colonization?

The world today is vastly different from the world before colonialism.

When Europeans began to colonize different countries, they brought with them their own culture and beliefs which shaped the way people thought about themselves and others.

Countries that were once one single entity are now many and these new divisions have caused a lot of tension between cultures around the world.

Colonization has had a huge impact on the world, and it will continue to have an effect for years to come. It is important that we understand where colonization came from as well as its effects.

I don’t think we’d be anywhere. I’m really glad that colonization happened because it allowed the growth of our civilization.

What was North America like before European colonization?

Before Europeans invaded North America, the land was diverse with many different cultures and languages. The people that lived there had to hunt for food and find shelter from weather like animals do in order to survive.

They used their environment as a means of survival and they did not have things we take for granted today such as technology or modern medicine.

North America was very different before Europeans arrived. For one thing, North Americans never domesticated any plants or animals.

Before Europeans colonized the Americas, North America was home to many different Native American tribes.

The population was not dense; there were only about one million people on all of the continent, which is far fewer than lived in Europe during that time.

European exploration of the americas diagram

The European exploration of the Americas began with Christopher Columbus’s voyage to the New World in 1492.

He set foot on a Caribbean island he called Hispaniola, which is now divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Arawak people who inhabited the island ran away as soon as they saw his ships approaching.

The exploration of the Americas is often attributed to Christopher Columbus and his voyage in 1492.

However, there were many European explorers that came before him who discovered new land masses and civilizations.

The map below illustrates a timeline of important events in the history of exploration in North America.

The European exploration of the Americas resulted in far reaching changes to indigenous societies. For example, it led to the decline and collapse of civilizations such as the Mayas.


The primary motives for European exploration of the Americas was to find spices, gold and other riches.

They were looking for a direct route to India that would bypass the Arab trade routes. Europeans wanted to avoid paying high prices from middlemen along their way.

However, there were also secondary motivations such as spreading Christianity across Asia and Africa and finding new lands in which they could live after Europe’s population had increased beyond its food supply capacity.

These two reasons are what drove much of the exploration on behalf of Spain during this time period.

About Thomas Beaver

Thomas Beaver is a professional Blogger, Content Writer and SEO Wizard. He's been blogging for over 12 years and has written over 600 articles on his personal blog alone. Thomas is also an avid reader of books about the history of writing as well as non-fiction works on leadership, productivity, marketing and entrepreneurship.

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